Thursday, March 16, 2017

White Supremacy As Opiate From the Massa: An Analysis of GET OUT by Jordan Peele

By Shantae A. Charles

Jordan Peele just blew the roof off of white supremacy with this psychological thriller/truther film. I absolutely detest horror films but this was not horror.

This is by no means an exhaustive review or cultural analysis on this movie. When I speak of white people in this analysis, I am strictly  speaking of those who hold white supremacist and racist views.

I’m sure that people will review this movie for years to come. The mind of Jordan Peele will continue to resonate with us long after this.
Get Out opens with a suburban scene and a black man who is followed by a white car. That car stops and he is kidnapped on a quiet street in suburban America.
I see the white car as symbolic of white supremacy being the vehicle that moves through society as a normal thing, abducting black people.
One of the overarching themes of this movie is the Body Snatching of Black people and the lack of concern for the missing.  Black Americans only make up 14% of the population but 37% of the missing according to blackandmissing,inc.
Children and especially black women are the most vulnerable when it comes to being reported and found.

To The Parents We Go

CHRIS and ROSE encounter an officer after Rose hits a deer. ROSE is in control of the situation in a way many white women are when it comes to the LAW.
Law enforcement historically has shown that it bows to white women. Apart of America's history as exposed through the original film Birth of a Nation is to "protect the white woman at all costs, especially from the savage black male".
They can lie, murder, cry rape and the law will be there to rescue them with a light sentence or none at all. It seems obvious that ROSE knows her words are above the officer’s.


When Chris goes to the house to visit Rose’s parents, I was immediately struck by Dean's (Rose's father) reference to BALI.

BALI – is known for 200 years of slave trade and opium trade.

DEAN immediately lets us know he has a fetish for all things Black with his Souvenir collection. Oftentimes that's what America sees us as, souvenirs. Whether it is our skill, our talent, our music, our hair styles, our tombs, our artifacts, it points back to wanting what we have, but not necessarily who we are.

DEAN- alludes to his own Father being beat by Jesse Owens and the controversy of the black man beating the Nazi during Hitler’s reign. Black men have been admired for their strength in sports. He lets us know that his father (Roman) never got over being bested by Jesse.

He then introduces- Georgina (the housekeeper who was really Dean's mother) by saying “His mother loves the Kitchen: we keep a piece of her in here” Little did we know how true that was!

What's in the Basement
Dean also alludes to the Basement being sealed up because of BLACK MOLD. 
Black Mold almost killed me when I was in college, and like this family, its POISONING is hard to recognize until it is almost too late.
Such is the same with white supremacy. It is an insidious poisoning that has severely affected America.

Walter & Georgina

As we find out later, Walter and Georgina are actually the grandparents of ROSE, who have been lobotomized. I found it interesting that the elderly would work as servants around the house for the rest of their lives, if only in a black body. Most Black people would not see that as an ideal way to extend life. Servanthood for Black America has seemed for many generations the only place that whites have been comfortable with having black people in their lives. Serving, but never really leading.
DEAN- also says Walter and Georgina were “hired” to take care of the parents, and when they died, he couldn’t let them go. But that was referencing his parents, not the two whose bodies had been stolen.

Delving INTO the MIND of Chris

CHRIS- reveals that he is parentless. His parents were not in the picture. This is a vulnerable place and state for Black Americans. Many have lost parents to domestic violence, gun violence, drug violence, incarceration, etc. The vulnerable are often seen as good targets to turn into commodities. The number of families where both mother and father are incarcerated is also on the rise.

THIS ORPHAN ISSUE in the Black community is real.  But we cannot simply say this is a "moral" issue, unless we also address the godless, depraved system of slavery which separated families, bred human beings like livestock, mothers forced to have sex with their sons, daughters raped by the plantation masters,  the forbidding of slaves to legally marry, the selling of children to other plantations and all other horrible things that would destroy any semblance of so-called family structure for Blacks. It would be intellectually dishonest to say this country had no part in shaping the current culture of behavior.

MISSY "Queen Bee" and Hypnosis Master

Missy appears to be that white woman who is always taking in black children. She is not.

Hypnosis & Witchcraft
"A service we provide” – They introduce Missy as a psychotherapist who hypnotizes people to help them break habits, but she really hypnotizes to BREAK People's MINDS. Missy means “Queen Bee” and she plays that part well. She is in control of her family and friends.

White Women, The Opiate

For some men, white women are seen as a drug. They have been programmed to believe this by media's portrayal of white women. This is a worldwide understanding that "white women are supposed to be seen as the standard of beauty." Even the Body Positive movement is to ensure that even larger white women, seen as unattractive in the past, are now uplifted and heralded as heroes for their bodies. Historically, as far back as Hottentot and the Venus of Willendorf, curvy women were not seen as a negative in Black culture. A woman with some "meat on her bones" is a common cultural saying.
Here, I see the notion of white supremacy as the OPIATE of the MASSA/White Americans.
The white woman is often the gateway drug to all things white. Beyond ROSE, we don’t see CHRIS having any other connection to upper class white society. In some circles, Black people really are convinced that to “marry white” is to marry up or marry well. There are many circles that encourage Black men who are in sports and entertainment to marry white women if they want to "make it" in society. Historically, when the Black women have the wealth, White men are encouraged to marry them. It really is about retaining or gaining access to wealth.
Though she seemed the most docile, Missy held the most control. This is something that Black women are well aware of when dealing with racist white women in society. Many have a very subtle supremacy that they operate from.
Mystique of White Women- the history of all three white women in this movie is unknown. We don’t know what drives any of them to do what they are doing in a real sense. They are seen and not heard. They are willing accomplices in crimes against Black people, much like  the slave owner's wives and sisters.
This is a very strange scene where I don’t recall food on the table (perhaps as a signal to Chris being the main dish).
Rose’s brother Jeremy brings up a guy named Connor Garfield, describing his build and his sister’s violent nature at the same time.
I looked up both names- BULL Connor was famous during the civil rights movement for his vicious treatment of Blacks. James Garfield, was a president who was opposed to racial discrimination. #ConnorGarfield  Not sure this was intentional, but it bears noting given the overall theme in the movie.
JEREMY- A Brother Wants To Know
“What’s your Sport?” Jeremy asks Chris.
Clearly, this family’s sport was blood sport.
Jeremy says, “With your training and genetic makeup, you could be a beast!”
AGAIN, Black males as Beasts is a common theme within white supremacy.
I believe the BROTHER may have wanted CHRIS for his own replacement which is why he tried to take him down at the table.
MISSY had him under hypnosis though.  It would have brought the family no profit for Jeremy to take Chris' body.

Malcolm X said this: “If you’re interested in freedom, you need some judo, some karate, all the things that will help you OUT.” Turns out JUDO (and Capoeira)  was used to FIGHT slavery historically.
JUJITSU was a thinking sport, it was about being moves ahead, said the MURDEROUS BROTHER.
That’s what white supremacy is about as well. It is about keeping continuous control.
Black Americans, especially men are often thought to play some sport, especially if they have a certain size and build. My husband is frequently asked this. He is regularly mistaken for a football or basketball player and it is annoying. If he engages in conversation, many times, there is an automatic reflex for perfect strangers to reach out and touch him or grip his arm. I'm not even in his body, but I cringe. It is so common, that he takes it in stride and finds the humor. I can't say that I do.
This also happens to Chris as he is groped by one of the guests and asked about his sexual organs.

HUNTING NEGROES (the Buck) - The Sport of White Supremacists
Keep in mind, especially in the racist  Jim Crow South, terms like #OpenSeason are used to describe the specific attacks against Black Americans and there were even “Negro Hunting Licenses” created as a racist jokes.

DEAN goes into a detailed talk about disliking BUCKS, another term that also describes the Black Male, especially during slavery.
Some Symbolic Objects and Metaphors
There were many posters that held meaning but I found this one very intriguing.

 Poster in the Background in ROSE'S BEDROOM

Death Cheetah vs. Matter
I saw this as a Play on words: Death Cheater
This family (and indeed the Eugenics and Transcendence methods of White Supremacy)  is all about cheating death and selling extended life to their family and friends.
Cheating death by defying the Body (matter)
616  Charleston, SC- Charleston was one of the gateways of chattel slavery and the slave block is still up there in the market square. I see it as a constant reminder that we can put you back on the block. When we look at the roll back and gutting of laws to protect civil rights, we need to be concerned. There are racists who have never given up on the idea of RE-ENSLAVING Black and Indigenous peoples.
There’s a LION next to CHRIS while they are sleeping
This can symbolize the fact that there’s a LION in all of us (as Christians believe in Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah)
Satan- walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
There is an African proverb that says: In order to survive, the Lion must catch the slowest gazelle, or the gazelle must outrun the lion, but either way, when you get up, you’d better be running!
CHRIS is the gazelle (the BUCK), and he does not know he is among LIONS. He is the prey and has not figured out yet that he should be on the run.

Black Women, Closet Doors, and Getting A Clue
The CLOSET DOOR Left Open TWICE- the Black woman whose Body has been stolen fights back the only way she knows how. She tries to give the Black man a clue.
There’s a door open to what’s really going on that can help you to escape. Doors are gateways to discovery.
Many wonder why Georgina smiles and cries at the same time. I believe the tears are the Black Woman whose voice has been silenced by the White conscience. To me it speaks to the constant struggle Black women have to find voice in white society. Now this black woman is but a memory, a picture, as she has been taken over and destroyed.
Mysogynoir is the term given specifically to the hatred of Black women that is now so prevalent and pervasive in our society that it has its own name. Imagine that: the MOTHER of CIVILIZATION is now hated and despised. But, if you plan to destroy civilization in favor of a transhuman world, you will have to start with the Black Woman.
The Black Female Detective- is the active voice of Black women who are tired of “searching” when Black men go missing. Whether that is missing from their responsibilities or missing from their communities. That’s definitely some commentary on this notion of “where Is the black man”?
The propaganda push is for Black Women to reject her counterpart. Without the Black family, no other family can exist as we are the original DNA. That is the goal: for humans to no longer exist but for something else to take our place, hence, the transhuman agenda.
Chris finally does go into the closet and opens it.
I immediately thought of Ida B. Wells work – THE RED RECORD- a record of the lynchings of Black Americans in the US.
I'm not sure if that was Peele’s intention.
THIS IS WHEN CHRIS realizes that ROSE is in on it, but he can’t lose his cool.
Georgina, is the only black girl in the photos, because as an African proverb says, Black women be knowing. ROSE was able to rope in lots of Black men by their libido.
Georgina means tiller of the SOIL- she was able to get CHRIS to start digging and not be blindly led to his death.
Why was the Mother so obsessed with curing Chris of smoking? It was an addictive behavior, but it was also a health issue. She wanted him to be in top shape for the auction block.
Tobacco and Tea were also cash crops for the slave trade.
Slaves were the backbone of the economy- no one to till the ground or plant seeds
Tea is associated with slavery still in India, Somalia, and of course early Britain.
Slaves smoking the crops? NOPE! To me, this is seen as an affront to the peculiar institution, a nod to knowing your place, which was to grow, NOT SMOKE tobacco.
Mama Trauma
Missy uses his trauma as an entry point to hypnotize CHRIS without his permission. Mother issues can leave a person debilitated. Healing and wholeness is important in fighting against the opiate of white supremacy. Focusing on his failures was what opened up the space to begin to manipulate the mind. White Supremacy focuses on psychologically convincing people of black inferiority. As James Baldwin wisely said, "The White man must figure out why he needs a nigger, why he created the nigger in the first place."
The sunken place to me, symbolized the slave cargo area of the mind.
Chris was in a paralyzed state – he couldn’t move or speak. Slaves were often confined in motion, and speech by slave muzzles and masks.

I see the sunken place as Black Consciousness- that there is no place for the Black Consciousness in the system of white supremacy.
To be black and to think white, speak white= assimilation. America punishes the Black American who seeks to retain, regain, rediscover, or honor their blackness in any way, shape, or form, but they will pay you well to disparage your culture, your people, your heritage, and your ancestors.
CHRIS knew something was wrong with Logan, Walter, and Georgina because they were missing their Black Consciousness, their soul, and even their ability to code switch. Logan did not know how to dap, a cultural hand signal and greeting.
CHRIS kept trying to get blacks under hypnosis to identify with him.
Georgina summed up white supremacy perfectly: I don’t answer to anyone. They treat us like family.
ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE: They all had to be killed: Walter, Georgina, Missy, Dean, Rose, and Jeremy. Three generations of eugenics racists. YOU CANNOT let WHITE SUPREMACY and its ideologies live.
What's an ASIAN doing here? Chris gets introduced to the only Asian man in the film at the "party".
SIROKI TANAKA- (Tanaka- dweller in a rice field) and that he was. He asked was being black more of an advantage or disadvantage in the modern world? It's a question that still has no clear answer.
1619-2019 will make 400 years that Black Americans have experienced and lived through some form of genocidal or population control method (slavery, peonage, reconstruction, Jim crow, medical apartheid, prison industrial complex, war on drugs, war on poverty, red lining, benign neglect, abortion). The "Negro" has been a problem ever since he could no longer bring a PROFIT as a commodity. But as we see in this movie, the profiting has now been pivoted to the sinister practice of organ stealing, body snatching and trafficking, and even melanin medical research.
TNAKA is also short for- Take Names and Kick A$$, which is what Chris is forced to do in order to get out of the nightmare he has found himself in .
Logan  (Hollow Shell) Loses IT- Chris snaps Anthony Hayworth, the missing Black Man out of his hypnosis and CHRIS gets the clear directive: GET OUT! But Anthony is put back into hypnosis, and the driver of his body, LOGAN is once more in control.

“Thank God” for you calming ME down- Logan, the white consciousness is now back in control of Anthony Hayworth's body.
The real LOGAN comes out- the Black Consciousness was fighting to warn CHRIS
Logan was a guy named Andre Hayworth who went missing- There is a Hayworth Association- he was known as an abolitionist for the Underground Railroad, helping people GET OUT of slavery.

ROD- Friend warns about Jeffrey LIONEL Dahmer- Dahmer was someone who targeted gay black men and consumed them- literally
Rod is the man who has not lost his consciousness and is fully aware of what's going on though he is not believed. He represents the part of Black America that feels gaslighted on a daily basis. They see clearly, but no one believes their reality or version of events.

Everyone needs a ROD- a correcting friend who KEPT pointing CHRIS to the truth.
Rose uses Chris's new trauma to build a false sense of trust with CHRIS who says, "You’re all I got."
But that’s a LIE.
CHRIS has ROD. He still had someone who cared about his WELL BEING.
White supremacy will have you believe that. It will have you out on a limb, depending on your assimilation and service to it as a Black American. If you just "fall in line" with the agenda, you'll be okay. But the end game of white supremacy is SELF Preservation of white people. They are not interested in a rainbow world.
DEAN asks, “what is your purpose in life?”

Clearly this whole party and weekend is about making Chris a body for consumption. Many people see Blacks as consumers. More are coming to see them as something to be consumed. This is NOT a new concept. In the early 1900's they were grinding up Mummies and drinking them, trying to attain 'health' and other mystical properties.
Planned Parenthood kills majority black babies and sells their parts. Melanin is worth more than gold on the stock market. Some see Black people as worth more dead than alive. Even with shooting deaths, parents get from 1 million to 5 million in police settlements. Black bodies are big business.

There is an expectation of doing what extends white life while shortening the life of black people at the same time.
“We are the gods trapped in cocoon” Dean says – In other words, We are superior, we just need a better shell.
Kendrick Lamar has an album out – To PIMP A BUTTERFLY- and that’s what happens to CHRIS.
USE OF TV as part of Hypnosis

Blacks consume the most TV of any group and spend the most on movies of any group. We spend money on the very things that are designed to program us into destructive behaviors and practices. This is UNHEALTHY for community and even mental survival.
Like a deer caught in headlights, TV becomes the hypnotizer stealing hours from the life of Black people. They don’t call it PROGRAMMING for nothing.
Spiritual Things to NOTE in GET OUT (and yes, I do believe everything about this movie relates to your spirit life)
The more I kept digging, the more correlations I saw with the “church” in this movie.
DEAN-  actually means head of a church- He had his Church of Body Snatching Going
Often times, the church can work in a hypnotic way and people leave their minds at the door.
CHRIS- means carrier of CHRIST- the only way you will get out is if you  carry Christ.
ROMAN- Armitage – founder of these eugenic methods, grandfather- DEAN (the church) came out of ROMAN- which means ancient, empire
KKK- known as the Invisible Empire- there was a KNIGHT’s Helmet on the seat of the car when CHRIS tried to escape as well as in the beginning with ROSE as a child wearing a Knight helmet
America is the Haunted House
The ruling family is White Supremacy
The (DEAN) white church is in charge of the lobotomies and keeping Black bodies in line
The enemy is looking to take minds first, then bodies next
As I looked into the notion of Coagula that Roman mentions while speaking to  CHRIS through the TV, I came upon this organization:
PEAT- Primordial Energy Activist and Transcendence- people who want to break man down- de particle us and reconstitute us into a new form.
You were CHOSEN because of physical advantages, but also spiritually
The Order of the Coagula- The grandfather, ROMAN ARMITAGE welcomes Chris to the Coagula
This is an ALCHEMY MOTTO and is seen on Baphomet on the left arm.
Solve et Coagula is a motto which means
Analyze before synthesize
Dissolve and join together
It must be broken down before it can be built up
Dissolve the body, build up the spirit

This was the process they were prepping CHRIS for in the Basement or the Sanctuary of the Body Snatching
Sedate you. / Psy Ops/ Transplant/Leave a Sliver of You/Passenger in your Body
This is an evil, satanic, and demonic process.
WHY Black People CHRIS ASKS  JIM HUDSON (there is a plantation located right on the Hudson)
Some want to be stronger, faster, cooler

“I want your eye for things” Your insight, your perception, the BLIND man says.
He also represents those who say they are COLOR BLIND but have no problem benefitting from the evils of white supremacy.
There is ENVY of the Black Body and Soul
If you want out of this HOUSE of Baphomet, you’re going to have to fight for it
Walter- ruler of army – The first thing he did once he gained his own consciousness was fight back and shoot Rose then he shot himself. Unfortunately, he realized he was a passenger and would not have his own self back.

Liberals will kill you just like Conservatives will. Whiteness has an allegiance that supersedes all other factors.  Politics is just a smoke screen that keeps you from seeing the race and class divides that exist and that race is also a class construct.

CHRIS tries to save Georgina because she looks like him. One author said it this way : All skin folk ain't kin folk. He almost dies trying to save a black person ruled by a white conscience.
You can’t save some black folk. They are in the sunken place, passengers in their body, and not coming back.
JIM HUDSON- His buyer says “We know who you are” For white supremacists to hate us so much, they sure do STUDY us hard. The entire party KNOWS who HE IS. He is the MEAL. He is the PRIZE on display. HE IS the one up for auction. Everyone knows who Blacks are in America…except Black people.
Bottom line?
When you don’t know your worth, anyone can try to devalue you and try to see if you can “be bought”.
Understand that until the system of white supremacy is vanquished, there is no day off from remaining aware. STAY WOKE.

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